Growing Happy Clients


There is endless content out there on the ‘ideal growth process’ but as a consultant or even an in-house growth hacker it is all about your approach and ability to navigate complex organisations. How do you deal with messy situations and internal channels?

In Growing Happy Clients, we take you from kickoff to project reflection, teaching you all the ‘soft skills’ that separate a successful growth hacker from the rest. Whether you’re a growth hacker or marketer freelancer, part of an agency or in-house, you will finish this growth hacking book as a better, more confident growth consultant, and ready to grow your happy clients.

What People Are Saying


“I've thoroughly enjoyed reading Growing Happy Clients – I can’t help to think it’s going to be massively beneficial for those starting with growth hacking and additionally for those that think they know what growth hacking is but actually haven’t got a clue 😉.”

— Abi

“This book is a must-read. Not only for growth hacking consultants, but for all consultants working in the digital space. The book contains great advice, practical examples and lots of resources. It covers a project with a client from beginning to end.”

— Ruben


“Such a great book, easy to read and very practical. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone that wants to apply growth hacking for their business or wants to help businesses grow using growth hacking.”

— Gust

“I work as a marketer and even though I am not a consultant Growing Happy Clients helped me change the way we approach growth both in terms of project management and working together with different departments.”

— Fleurine


Start growing happy clients

Available on Amazon as:

  • ebook (£8.96)

  • paper-cover (£21.70)