What does it mean to have a growth strategy?

To me, it’s all about:

  • Disciplined and ruthless focus on a few areas as a cross-functional team

  • Experimenting and learning what does/doesn’t work  

  • Flexibility and agility in your approach when things aren’t working

  • Focusing on the customers and the data to drive decisions

But where do you even start?

Too many growth teams don’t have a structured growth approach.

The result?

  • Your team isn’t aligned on their goals

  • There’s no clear structure or direction to what you’re testing, so it feels like you’re testing everything for the sake of it

  • You’re not hitting your quarterly OKRs and growth is stagnating

Having someone on the team who understands where to start looking for product-market fit, how to identify and prioritize growth channels, and how to effectively run a growth strategy is the ultimate growth hack. If your team doesn’t have that or wants to upskill on that front, this course will teach you how.

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Some of the Brands I’ve helped with their Growth Strategy

Here’s how my CXL course will help you

Sometimes you need to just go back to the beginning.

To think about growth and where it sits in the organisation, and rethink the fundamentals of your brand.

In this course you will learn about:

  • Product-market fit and how to find it

  • Identify and implement your north star metric

  • Create and work with your own growth model

  • Identify and prioritize growth channels

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Over the last 10 years, I’ve spent thousands of hours working with startups on their growth strategy, improving and expanding on the approach to creating this course. I know how important a solid strategy is in nailing down the other parts of growth such as messaging, acquisition and retention.

By the end of my course, you will be able to:

  • Differentiate growth from marketing and product functions.

  • Identify whether you need a growth-driven approach, and start setting up for one.

  • Develop and set a robust north star metric.

  • Identify, prioritise, and test your growth channels.

  • Define growth levers and document strategies needed to work on those levers through experimentation.

  • Build an effective growth team.

What this course will cover

A comprehensive walkthrough of everything you need to have in place to create a structured growth strategy that could exponentially grow your business.

Format: 3h 20min | 36 lessons split into 9 parts

Use code DAPHNE at checkout to claim 10% off your subscription and recurring orders.

    • Growth vs Marketing vs Product

    • Where does Growth sit in the organisation?

    • How to know if your organisation needs a growth-driven approach

    • Growth lessons from scaling Heights

    • What is Product-Market Fit?

    • Step-by-step guide

    • Finding Message-Market Fit

    • Why should you care?

    • Setting your North Star metric

    • Stress test

    • Introduction to retention and engagement loops

    • Building a core habit loop

    • Fighting for a focus on retention

    • Working on improving retention

    • The importance of effective activation

    • Identifying potential channels

    • Types of acquisition loops

    • Brand vs growth channels

    • Prioritising growth channels

    • Testing framework for new channels

    • Diving deeper into referral

    • What a complete growth model looks like

    • Measuring each step of your growth model

    • What are growth levers

    • Defining your first growth levers

    • Calculating impact of potential growth levers

    • Pricing as a growth lever

    • Documenting your growth strategy

    • What is a growth team?

    • Who is in a growth team?

    • Six-step process to building your growth team

    • Goals and impact of a growth process

    • What is a growth experiment vs an optimisation vs an a/b test?

Use code DAPHNE for 10% off at checkout

 Commonly asked questions

  • While the bulk of my experience is focused on D2C, this course is designed for all startups, with both examples for D2C and B2B brands included!

  • This course is for you if you are responsible for:

    • Go-to-market strategy and planning

    • Go-to-market execution

    • Growth hacking and experimentation

    • Lead generation efforts

    • Leading a growth team

  • You will need a subscription with CXL to access this course. You can start one here. Make sure you enter the code DAPHNE at checkout to get 10% off your subscription and recurring charges.

  • 1. More clarity about your growth model and strategy to focus in on a few specific growth levers to drive faster growth.

    2. Ability to build a growth team to be able to work more cross-functionally and effectively on scaling up your growth.

    3. Think about growth as a broader concept than just marketing so that you can identify new growth opportunities in unexpected places from pricing model to operations. 

    4. Systematically run growth experiments to better understand what is and isn't working.

  • Yes! I can offer you 10% off your subscription and all recurring charges using the code DAPHNE at checkout.

  • I do also have a course called Building an Impactful Growth Experimentation Programme, available through Podia. It looks more specifically at the 5 stages of building up an experimentation process including templates you can use. You can find it here.

    This Growth Strategy course is far broader, covering all areas needed to set up a growth process including experimentation, but also covering key areas like retention, PMF and growth teams.

  • I hugely recommend doing the CXL eCommerce Minidegree after completing this course.

    In it, you'll learn from the best of the best how to succeed in eCommerce, covering 4 key areas:

    • Customer Acquisition

    • Customer Retention

    • Measurement

    • Strategy

    You can find it here.

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