Most Growth hires fail.

1/3 of new hires start looking for a new job within 6 months.

This is hard:

For founders: When a hire leaves, it takes 8-12 weeks on average to replace them, costing you and losing momentum in your team.

For growth hires: You’ve finally found a new company you hoped to be happy at, only to want to leave almost immediately.

But what is the solution:

We’ve found a consistent trend speaking to founders and growth hires: roles that didn’t work out missed a clear onboarding and the right conversations in those first three months.

That is what led us to create a clear 12 week checklist to ensure growth hires can be impactful in their new roles.

£95 - 365 day money-back guarantee

We’ve coached 67 growth hires across early stage startups:

Delivering results across D2C, B2B, Consumer Saas and Mobile Apps:

3X revenue QoQ

300%+ ad conversion

£28K-£343K MMR in 18M

4 to 1 LTV:CAC

Empowering your growth hire is one of the hardest challenges for startups

  • Founders don’t know what exactly they need (growth isn’t always their area of expertise)

  • Founders have a million other things on your plate

  • If a new growth lead has never seen a structured onboarding they don’t know what to ask for / focus on either

The solution?

Onboard your hire from day zero.

We interviewed and spoke with 53 Growth Managers, Growth Leads and Heads of Growth on their secrets to unlocking growth in the first three months of a new role.

The 12-week growth onboarding checklist has thousands of hours of experience and learnings distilled into actionable frameworks to ensure a growth lead enters their role feeling confident to drive impact within the first few months.

What the growth onboarding checklist includes:

  • Clear goals for Week 1, 2-4, 5-8 and 9-12 to help you know what to focus on and when to maximise the impact

  • The exact steps to achieve each goal:

    • Which meetings to have, when to have them, and with whom

    • Important questions to ask

    • Potential deliverables

  • Relevant resources and templates to support you in any new areas

£95 - 365 day money-back guarantee

About the Coaches

Between the two of us (Daphne Tideman and Rosie Hoggmascall), we’ve held five full-time growth lead roles plus 7+ years of consultancy experience across D2C, B2B, Consumer Saas and Mobile Apps.

We know how tough new roles can be. We’ve seen growth hires come and go within months of starting. Thanks to our experiences helping scale up successful startups from Heights to what3words, we’ve created this 12-week growth onboarding checklist to help growth hires avoid the pitfalls of new growth roles at early-stage startups. It’s the checklist we wish we’d had!

 Commonly asked questions

  • We’ve written this from the growth person’s perspective. However, you can use this as a founder in two ways:

    • Use this to shape their onboarding. Use this as a guide to shape their onboarding, having them focus on the key areas you are missing / feel most valuable to your business.

    • Let them follow this guide. Send your purchase confirmation to and the email of your new hire. We will give them free access.

  • We are confident that the checklist provides immense value, but if for whatever reason it doesn’t we are happy to refund you within the first 365 days.

    Just e-mail with one sentence about why it didn’t meet your expectations/needs, we won’t ask any further questions

  • You’ll receive immediate access to the checklist on Podia. There it is divided up into three key sections: Day 1-30, Day 31-60 and Day 61-90. Under each section there are multiple goals for that timeframe as well as clear steps of how to achieve them with relevant templates and resources linked.

  • Especially for your first growth hire, it can be a lonely and tough role. The checklist will be a huge help, but sometimes you want some personalised advice, support and feedback.

    That is why we both offer coaching for new growth hires.

    Send a message with who your business is and your concerns.

    Depending on this, either Daphne or Rosie will plan a quick call to discuss and work out the best setup for you.

Only £29 - 365 day money-back guarantee

  • Daphne's coaching sessions have been invaluable to me over the past year, helping me to build confidence in the decisions I make as well as offering challenge. Her no-nonsense approach to prioritisation cuts through the noise of the day-to-day and ensures that I get some time to think about the bigger picture.

    Morgan Young, Head of Growth, Ocean Bottle
    Coaching on growth prioritization, process and stakeholder management

  • “Daphne was structured, supportive, and full of ideas. The sessions were a valuable sounding board that helped me to prioritise, focus on what really mattered, and see things from another perspective.”

    Miranda Essex, Head of Growth, Thrift+
    Coaching on growth models, growth process and experimentation

  • Rosie is an absolute talent when it comes to growth. She fully understands user pains and potential areas for growth, before modelling opportunities to shape product strategy and customer experience. Her energy is everything.

    Ben Davies, Content Designer at Klarna
    Coaching on customer empathy mapping, landing pages and CRO

  • Rosie uses her deep understanding of market trends, customer behavior, and the competitive landscape to develop strategies that drive growth and increase revenue.

    Ellie Tan, BI at Amazon, ex-Google, ex-Airbnb
    Coaching on growth levers and PLG