Time for a Reset

Feel like your team could use an inspiring and hands-on growth workshop? From a short inspiration session to a deep dive hands-on workshop, we can work together to re-energise your team.

Topics to discuss

  • Growth Mindset

    We all want a growth mindset, but how do you actually improve your mindset? This workshop will challenge your team whilst also providing them with practical ways to start improving their mindset step by step.

  • Growth Process

    How do you create a culture of high tempo testing? How do you build a growth engine? From the team you need to how to structure your growth workshops, we will together revamp your entire process.

  • Growth Strategy

    This is a hands-on workshop where we will tackle a specific challenge, e.g. how to scale acquisition. I’ll do a deep dive and present both structural changes as well as potential experiments, leaving you with a clear action list.

How it works


01 — Get to Know Each Other

I always start with a free introduction call where we talk through your current challenges. From there, I'll create a custom proposal of how I can think I help you, if I think I'm the right match. If not, I'll try to share other resources to help you further.

02 — Prepare the Workshop

I never use the exact same slides, I prepare a custom workshop based on what you need. I’ll also present the approach and exercises beforehand to ensure the workshop is exactly a match for what you need and adjust if needed.

03 — Workshop

The workshop can be in person (depending on location and budget) or online. Either way, it will be a high-energy session that leaves your team excited and full of ideas but also challenged. I’ll provide a full overview of slides and suggestion action points within 24 hours of the workshop.

04 — Follow Up (Optional)

In some cases, I will recommend a shorter follow-up session three months later. This acts as a refresher on what we discussed, but also helps accountability, to ensure you take the time to implement the various action points. This is a great chance to also discuss theory vs. reality and further ideas to improve.

“Daphne is the real deal when it comes to growth . We ran a full day workshop with her focused on customer acquisition. It was incredibly helpful and we came away with a clear list of actions and new strategies that have added significant value to our business.”


- Toby Winch, Head of Growth, Bower Collective

Workshops are an incredible way to have a reset and revamp your approach to growth.


  • This depends on the duration and preparation required. They usually start from apprxoimately £1,000 as they are always customised to your business.

  • Definitely, if it has sticking factors. I always come up with analogies ( e.g. growth is like making lemonade) and simple frameworks (e.g. how to better prioritise experiments) so that your team can use this as their new common language. I’ll also provide you and your team with suggested action points. There is also an optional follow-up session, which usually takes place three months later.

  • Of course, this is me speaking at Conversion Hotel 2021.

  • Definitely, I usually speak at 3 or 4 events per year, so I’m open to these opportunities too. Feel free to reach out with more information and we can discuss.

  • Everybody was energised and left us with new perspectives

    Daphne gave a workshop to our team, she got everybody energised and left us with new perspectives. She helped us ‘frame’ clients in certain categories and gave us the tools and possible solutions to deal with different point-of-contacts effectively. It had a big impact, and we’re doing an internal follow-up workshop to better profile all of our clients.

    - Lucia van den Brink, Senior Experimentation Strategist, Speero

  • Brilliant lecture about the principles that a Growth Team needs

    I’ve had the pleasure to work with Daphne recently for one of our clients ING Netherlands. She gave the team a brilliant lecture about the principles that a Growth Team needs.

    A very clear story with perfect guidelines to start right away. Daphne is her own example of make things happen.

    - Nathalie Peters, Parter & Founder, MORGENFRISK